today i went to melissa grandma's wake. it was a christian style of wake. no noisy gambling voice, no drums or monks read those scripts, just plenty pure peace. it is a little uncomfortable because i have never been to such a funeral before.
den when i was about to leave, i went the wrong way for the exit. resulted making turns and turns. previously mel say her dad wana watch over her becoz scare she smoke. haha. den the next moment, she is puffing away. now i duno why the 4.6 million singapore population smoke i dun give a damn. but she smokes = rather hurting. duno why. very strange, really.
i dont think she cares how i feel about it and ya, she shouldn't care also. perhpas it is the time we have been through when she wanted to quit and the symptoms keep coming back and she control it. quite difficult to forget. those were the days.
now glad to see her puff away with raven. at least she is happy. but that sight, irks me.
exams ended but doesnt seems much difference at all becoz i have been doing what i want to do like playing winning 11. haha. suppose to spend the time study yet went to play game. so when exam ended, like no difference. haha.
i am leaving vietnam in a few days time. classsmates were great wanting to see me off while i feel it is not needed and they were told not to come. haha. my dad say its too early to trouble people and i felt the same way. greatly appreciated. still wanna have a meal with me before i fly. haha. great but i am so so sorry i cant attend. so caught up with things.
frankly speaking, my mom will be greatly missed. my dad too and of course my sis. doris, edwin, wai ming, jackson, wei teck, firdauz. these group normally kill my boredom will be missed too.
however i m so damn looking forward to this trip. becoz.. i want to be alone and reflect and think.....
today happiness in a nutshell is...
' we all fail. but it is not failing that hurts. what hurts is knowing that you didnt give your best.'
sound so true...
so make sure everyone give your best kk..
all the best..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
yes i am sleepy yet i cant fall asleep. this is a torture to me. zzz. haha. have such experience in the past and now is back. haha. anyway exams is a killer. everytime i know i will do badly for which module becoz some things get cant enter my brain, while some, wanna forget also cannot. haha..
closer. yes this song is perfect. haha. but my closer today is closer to the end of exam! whoo.. 2 more papers. workplace health promotion and coaching. coaching is a killer. haha. but another matter is i am another day closer to my oipp trip. hope this overall trip turns out to be very fun instead of very stress.
recently i heard melissa grandma commit suicide. even though i have never seen her before but i felt hmm, not too good. i mean an 84 years old granny committed suicide.. it's her last phase of life and she choose to end it that way. it's a choice and life is about making choices. it is sad, really.
happiness in a nutshell. edwin should know this book better then anyone. haha. let me share the content on every of my post. it teaches us how to be happy as possible. so sad people, do heed this andrew matthews word of advice.
' usually, the best place to make a new start is where you are!'
' before changing your address, consider changing your thinking!'
' when you change, your situation changes. it is law'
heed what i have mention folks..
yes i am sleepy yet i cant fall asleep. this is a torture to me. zzz. haha. have such experience in the past and now is back. haha. anyway exams is a killer. everytime i know i will do badly for which module becoz some things get cant enter my brain, while some, wanna forget also cannot. haha..
closer. yes this song is perfect. haha. but my closer today is closer to the end of exam! whoo.. 2 more papers. workplace health promotion and coaching. coaching is a killer. haha. but another matter is i am another day closer to my oipp trip. hope this overall trip turns out to be very fun instead of very stress.
recently i heard melissa grandma commit suicide. even though i have never seen her before but i felt hmm, not too good. i mean an 84 years old granny committed suicide.. it's her last phase of life and she choose to end it that way. it's a choice and life is about making choices. it is sad, really.
happiness in a nutshell. edwin should know this book better then anyone. haha. let me share the content on every of my post. it teaches us how to be happy as possible. so sad people, do heed this andrew matthews word of advice.
' usually, the best place to make a new start is where you are!'
' before changing your address, consider changing your thinking!'
' when you change, your situation changes. it is law'
heed what i have mention folks..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
shows, drama, movies, ...
later i am going to watch 12 lotus with edwin at causeway point. haha. i think he is bugged by me until he cannot tahan. haha. i understand local flims better. my mom say several HK tv serial is nice. first, the forensic. omg, i catch 8 episode in a day which makes me complete the whole show is 3 days. up next is a detective show known as D.I.E. well, been downloading it for several days already. and finally, my favourite, heart of greed the second series. hoho. even though torrent is up to the 12th episode, i have been keeping track of it. good.

yup, all these 3 drama serial. haha. catch it if you can.
time for some laughter.
6 kids
A man boarded a plane with 6 kids. After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle from him leaned over to him and asked, "Are all of those kids yours?"
He replied, "No, I work for a condom company and these are customer complaints."
Cigarette Holder
so there was dis lil old lady.. tho she was almost hittin 60, she was still pretty heavy smoker..
one fine day, she was, as always, smoking and having a chat wid an old fren of hers..
and she was complainin on how quickly de cigarettes became spoilt once de pack was opened..
and her fren said, "oh.. u shld do wat I do.. I keep de pack stored in a condom..
for some reason, it keeps de cigarettes fresh".. so de old lady decided to give it a try..
she goes to de pharmacy and asks de guy at de counter if she cld get sm condoms..
de guy was surprised, but being professional, he smiled and asked, "and wat size wld u like dem to be Ma'am?" to which she VERY casually answered, "oh smth that will fit a CAMEL"..
Hung Chow calls into work and says, 'Hey, I no come work today, I really sick.
Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work.'
The boss says, 'You know something, Hung Chow, I really need you today.
When I feel like this, I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes everything better and I go to work. You try that. Two hours later Hung Chow calls again.
'I do what you say and I feel great. I be at work soon........
You got nice house.'
haha, all these jokes are contributed by my sister. funny huh?
anyway, recently i met up with my secondary schools teachers. i even went to MS koh house to visit her new flat. her condo is small but the swimming pool, whoa, if you are on your way to her flat, and you aint careful, you might fall straight into the pool and i mean it. haha. but it was nice.
then i drove mullai and AK teoh to this causrina place to have some indian food. this AK got some problem and even professional counseller mullai couldnt help him at all. haha. i presume this is symptoms of singlehood for too long diseases. after the dinner, we went to AK studio apartment. omg, as a teacher and single for several number of years, he can buy that apartment for $460,000. but his maintance of his room is..... hmm, i mean what can you expect when a guy is living alone.
but that hosue is so creepy. so many god statue. hmm, aint a place for me. however, a $460,000 apartment got its plus point. on the roof of the whole condo, there is a place for star viewing. i dont know what that big ball is about, but omg, it can see stars in the sky so clearly. of course not honey stars.
next i sent mullai home. haha, mullai stay so near prawning venue. haha. must catch a opportunity to gather all of them to prawn before i go oversea. haha
mentioning about oversea, hmm, it's like fast. a couple of weeks more and i am off to vietnam. i will miss my bet. and recently got flood in vietnam. haha. wat a time. better. if it happen when i am there, my mom will be worried. haha.
all right, so many things happening soon. let me list out.
1) exams
2) vietnam
3) Barclays premier league ( like it concern me haha)
4) 12 lotus (which is later)
in fact, hmm not many after all. haha.
later i am going to watch 12 lotus with edwin at causeway point. haha. i think he is bugged by me until he cannot tahan. haha. i understand local flims better. my mom say several HK tv serial is nice. first, the forensic. omg, i catch 8 episode in a day which makes me complete the whole show is 3 days. up next is a detective show known as D.I.E. well, been downloading it for several days already. and finally, my favourite, heart of greed the second series. hoho. even though torrent is up to the 12th episode, i have been keeping track of it. good.

yup, all these 3 drama serial. haha. catch it if you can.
time for some laughter.
6 kids
A man boarded a plane with 6 kids. After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle from him leaned over to him and asked, "Are all of those kids yours?"
He replied, "No, I work for a condom company and these are customer complaints."
Cigarette Holder
so there was dis lil old lady.. tho she was almost hittin 60, she was still pretty heavy smoker..
one fine day, she was, as always, smoking and having a chat wid an old fren of hers..
and she was complainin on how quickly de cigarettes became spoilt once de pack was opened..
and her fren said, "oh.. u shld do wat I do.. I keep de pack stored in a condom..
for some reason, it keeps de cigarettes fresh".. so de old lady decided to give it a try..
she goes to de pharmacy and asks de guy at de counter if she cld get sm condoms..
de guy was surprised, but being professional, he smiled and asked, "and wat size wld u like dem to be Ma'am?" to which she VERY casually answered, "oh smth that will fit a CAMEL"..
Hung Chow calls into work and says, 'Hey, I no come work today, I really sick.
Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work.'
The boss says, 'You know something, Hung Chow, I really need you today.
When I feel like this, I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes everything better and I go to work. You try that. Two hours later Hung Chow calls again.
'I do what you say and I feel great. I be at work soon........
You got nice house.'
haha, all these jokes are contributed by my sister. funny huh?
anyway, recently i met up with my secondary schools teachers. i even went to MS koh house to visit her new flat. her condo is small but the swimming pool, whoa, if you are on your way to her flat, and you aint careful, you might fall straight into the pool and i mean it. haha. but it was nice.
then i drove mullai and AK teoh to this causrina place to have some indian food. this AK got some problem and even professional counseller mullai couldnt help him at all. haha. i presume this is symptoms of singlehood for too long diseases. after the dinner, we went to AK studio apartment. omg, as a teacher and single for several number of years, he can buy that apartment for $460,000. but his maintance of his room is..... hmm, i mean what can you expect when a guy is living alone.
but that hosue is so creepy. so many god statue. hmm, aint a place for me. however, a $460,000 apartment got its plus point. on the roof of the whole condo, there is a place for star viewing. i dont know what that big ball is about, but omg, it can see stars in the sky so clearly. of course not honey stars.
next i sent mullai home. haha, mullai stay so near prawning venue. haha. must catch a opportunity to gather all of them to prawn before i go oversea. haha
mentioning about oversea, hmm, it's like fast. a couple of weeks more and i am off to vietnam. i will miss my bet. and recently got flood in vietnam. haha. wat a time. better. if it happen when i am there, my mom will be worried. haha.
all right, so many things happening soon. let me list out.
1) exams
2) vietnam
3) Barclays premier league ( like it concern me haha)
4) 12 lotus (which is later)
in fact, hmm not many after all. haha.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
9.20pm, full.
yes, how many of us are appreciative of another in this world? how many 'thanks' or 'thank you' have you said to someone you know or you do not know? how many times have you take things for granted?
it might be easy to thank someone. but with full sincerity, i doubt many have done it in their life.
i have so many friends i tell you from their eyes, their thank you is a 'say it for the sake of saying'. or in fact, some dont even bother to thank you and they treat it as you are suppose to help them. my class dont know got how many are such of a examples. dont blame them, perhaps their culture is this way or perhpas, they will need to have a day when he feel helpless then he will start to be more appreciative. how many have thank you once you have lend a listening ear to them? think.
how many stuff your parents have done and how many thank have you in return offered to them? some may says it seems awkard by saying thanks to their parents. becoz they have took the past 2 decade as 'you ought to do it for me' theory as part of their life. how many times have you thank your parents when they mop the floor, tidy your room, wash your clothes, cook dinner...
frankly speaking, alot of times i myself think i m in the shoes of the theory that i mention above.
you might face your bf/gf daily. day in day out help one another in little little tiny stuff. talk about daily stuff and complaints anything under the sun. learn from one another either in giving up seats in MRT or scolding the vicious valguarities in the world. but, when have you come face to face with your bf/gf instead of kissing, but saying a thanks to them to show your appreciation of what they have helped you or teached you all along.
even if its a gone case relationship, how many have called and thank for the past either beautiful or ugly memorise that you have given one another?
how many have called their teachers and ask how are they? why do everyone flocked outside the teachers room on the first of September? why cant we ask our teacher for a tea or a meal just to tell them how is their fruit of labour. how often have they help you whether its your academics or other stuff when you are in trouble? how many of us have remember how they have helped us, even thought the outcome is a good or a bad.
my words do worth a value, but it definetely rings a bell.
yes, how many of us are appreciative of another in this world? how many 'thanks' or 'thank you' have you said to someone you know or you do not know? how many times have you take things for granted?
it might be easy to thank someone. but with full sincerity, i doubt many have done it in their life.
i have so many friends i tell you from their eyes, their thank you is a 'say it for the sake of saying'. or in fact, some dont even bother to thank you and they treat it as you are suppose to help them. my class dont know got how many are such of a examples. dont blame them, perhaps their culture is this way or perhpas, they will need to have a day when he feel helpless then he will start to be more appreciative. how many have thank you once you have lend a listening ear to them? think.
how many stuff your parents have done and how many thank have you in return offered to them? some may says it seems awkard by saying thanks to their parents. becoz they have took the past 2 decade as 'you ought to do it for me' theory as part of their life. how many times have you thank your parents when they mop the floor, tidy your room, wash your clothes, cook dinner...
frankly speaking, alot of times i myself think i m in the shoes of the theory that i mention above.
you might face your bf/gf daily. day in day out help one another in little little tiny stuff. talk about daily stuff and complaints anything under the sun. learn from one another either in giving up seats in MRT or scolding the vicious valguarities in the world. but, when have you come face to face with your bf/gf instead of kissing, but saying a thanks to them to show your appreciation of what they have helped you or teached you all along.
even if its a gone case relationship, how many have called and thank for the past either beautiful or ugly memorise that you have given one another?
how many have called their teachers and ask how are they? why do everyone flocked outside the teachers room on the first of September? why cant we ask our teacher for a tea or a meal just to tell them how is their fruit of labour. how often have they help you whether its your academics or other stuff when you are in trouble? how many of us have remember how they have helped us, even thought the outcome is a good or a bad.
my words do worth a value, but it definetely rings a bell.
Monday, August 4, 2008
a blind girl
2:10 am, awake
i am gonna share a story with everyone. please read this story. got it from my sis bf notebook.
there was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. she hatered everyone except her loving boyfriend. he was always there for her. she said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
one day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. her boyfriend asked her, 'now that you could see the world, will you marry me?" the girl was shocked when she saw her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him.
her boyfriend walked away in tears and later wrote a letter to her saying. " just take care of my eyes please. "
this is how humans change when their status changes. only few remember what life was before, and who has always been therer in the most painful situations.
whoa, this is true isnt it?
i am gonna share a story with everyone. please read this story. got it from my sis bf notebook.
there was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. she hatered everyone except her loving boyfriend. he was always there for her. she said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
one day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. her boyfriend asked her, 'now that you could see the world, will you marry me?" the girl was shocked when she saw her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him.
her boyfriend walked away in tears and later wrote a letter to her saying. " just take care of my eyes please. "
this is how humans change when their status changes. only few remember what life was before, and who has always been therer in the most painful situations.
whoa, this is true isnt it?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
9.05 pm, relax.
finally ED day is over. after months of terror doing the project and meeting several datelines, the relax feeling is back. finally, i can have my sleep without anyone disturbing me with sms saying when and where to meet or whatsoever. and i slept a total of 18 plus hours. haha. really deprive of sleep.
take a bow:
How bout a round of applause, Yeah Standing ovation Oooohh
You look so dumb right now, Standin outside my house
Tryin to apoligize, You're so ugly when you cry
Please Just cut it out And dont tell me you're sorry
cuz you're not Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show Really had me goin
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closin
That was quite a show
Very entertainin
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow
Pocketful of sunshine:
take me away, a secret place
a sweet escape, take me away
take me away to better places
take me away, a hiding place.
makes me wonder:
I wake up with blood-shot eyes Struggled to memorize
The way it felt between your thighs Pleasure that made you cry
Feels so good to be bad Not worth the aftermath, after that
After that Try to get you back
I still don’t have the reason And you don’t have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a fuck about you
Give me something to believe in Cause I don’t believe in you anymoreAnymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try(Yeah)
So this is goodbye
I’ve been here before One day a week
And it won’t hurt anymore You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi The words you say don't have a meaning
CauseI still don’t have the reason And you don’t have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a fuck about you
And I...and so this is goodbye
one step at a time:
Hurry up and waitSo close, but so far away Everything that you always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste But you just can't touch
You wanna show the world but no one knows yours name yet
Wonderin' when, where and how you're going to make it
You know you can if you get the chance In your face and the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated And you getting all kinda impatient
Waiting, we live and we learn
To take one step at a time, There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly, or falling in love. It's gonna happen when it's supposed to happen
And we find the reasons why, One step at a time
When you can't wait any longer (you can't wait)
But there's no end in time (when you need to find the strength)
It's your faith that makes you stronger (the only way we get there)
The only way we get there
Is one step at a time
recently watch money not enough 2. i tell i almost burst into tears. becoz it let me think about my grandparents. really. suddenly everything came back into my mind. i feel so damn sad. i m someone who will cry becoz of a show. weak in handling emotions. but that show really...
other then that, the mocking of every road pay (ERP) makes me laugh. and the starting song, omg, perfect just before national day. haha. the reporters are critizing such shows saying low class. please la, only such movies speak for the commoners. how many of us dare to stand on the stage in the speakers corner and critize our government. the next moment your ass is in the lock up man. so why not those people try it out. haha.
edwin is smart. very smart and god damn he knows me well. haha. he know my next move perhaps he will become a good coach by knowing what the opponent will do next. recently saw miss koh and she advice me to enter NIE and become a teacher. with 4 years of NIE studying and another 4 years of the bond, you will be paid omg. haha. looks like a perfect way to teach and coach. however edwin is right. if that's the case, i will lose 8 years of prime of my carrer in NIE. might not be a good ideal afterall becoz my long run is to coach, not to teach. well, will think about it.
recently i quit bala. becoz of my trip to vietnam. i feel sorry for the pub becoz they train me so hard and when its time to perform i left. haha. but they are nice people. the philipinos, the managers and many of them. of course there are jerks everywhere. haha. and i heard ms siti son and audrey together?? whahahaha.. i almost wanna slap audrey to ask her to wake up. heard of beauty and the beast? it is not the looks of shad, its the character. haha. even ms siti discourage it. what a responsible mom. full respect to her. cleva is great too.
all right, i'm gonna stop here. hope can come out with all my friends before i leave. hehe.
finally ED day is over. after months of terror doing the project and meeting several datelines, the relax feeling is back. finally, i can have my sleep without anyone disturbing me with sms saying when and where to meet or whatsoever. and i slept a total of 18 plus hours. haha. really deprive of sleep.
take a bow:
How bout a round of applause, Yeah Standing ovation Oooohh
You look so dumb right now, Standin outside my house
Tryin to apoligize, You're so ugly when you cry
Please Just cut it out And dont tell me you're sorry
cuz you're not Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on quite a show Really had me goin
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closin
That was quite a show
Very entertainin
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow
Pocketful of sunshine:
take me away, a secret place
a sweet escape, take me away
take me away to better places
take me away, a hiding place.
makes me wonder:
I wake up with blood-shot eyes Struggled to memorize
The way it felt between your thighs Pleasure that made you cry
Feels so good to be bad Not worth the aftermath, after that
After that Try to get you back
I still don’t have the reason And you don’t have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a fuck about you
Give me something to believe in Cause I don’t believe in you anymoreAnymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try(Yeah)
So this is goodbye
I’ve been here before One day a week
And it won’t hurt anymore You caught me in a lie
I have no alibi The words you say don't have a meaning
CauseI still don’t have the reason And you don’t have the time
And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a fuck about you
And I...and so this is goodbye
one step at a time:
Hurry up and waitSo close, but so far away Everything that you always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste But you just can't touch
You wanna show the world but no one knows yours name yet
Wonderin' when, where and how you're going to make it
You know you can if you get the chance In your face and the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated And you getting all kinda impatient
Waiting, we live and we learn
To take one step at a time, There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly, or falling in love. It's gonna happen when it's supposed to happen
And we find the reasons why, One step at a time
When you can't wait any longer (you can't wait)
But there's no end in time (when you need to find the strength)
It's your faith that makes you stronger (the only way we get there)
The only way we get there
Is one step at a time
recently watch money not enough 2. i tell i almost burst into tears. becoz it let me think about my grandparents. really. suddenly everything came back into my mind. i feel so damn sad. i m someone who will cry becoz of a show. weak in handling emotions. but that show really...
other then that, the mocking of every road pay (ERP) makes me laugh. and the starting song, omg, perfect just before national day. haha. the reporters are critizing such shows saying low class. please la, only such movies speak for the commoners. how many of us dare to stand on the stage in the speakers corner and critize our government. the next moment your ass is in the lock up man. so why not those people try it out. haha.
edwin is smart. very smart and god damn he knows me well. haha. he know my next move perhaps he will become a good coach by knowing what the opponent will do next. recently saw miss koh and she advice me to enter NIE and become a teacher. with 4 years of NIE studying and another 4 years of the bond, you will be paid omg. haha. looks like a perfect way to teach and coach. however edwin is right. if that's the case, i will lose 8 years of prime of my carrer in NIE. might not be a good ideal afterall becoz my long run is to coach, not to teach. well, will think about it.
recently i quit bala. becoz of my trip to vietnam. i feel sorry for the pub becoz they train me so hard and when its time to perform i left. haha. but they are nice people. the philipinos, the managers and many of them. of course there are jerks everywhere. haha. and i heard ms siti son and audrey together?? whahahaha.. i almost wanna slap audrey to ask her to wake up. heard of beauty and the beast? it is not the looks of shad, its the character. haha. even ms siti discourage it. what a responsible mom. full respect to her. cleva is great too.
all right, i'm gonna stop here. hope can come out with all my friends before i leave. hehe.
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