later i am going to watch 12 lotus with edwin at causeway point. haha. i think he is bugged by me until he cannot tahan. haha. i understand local flims better. my mom say several HK tv serial is nice. first, the forensic. omg, i catch 8 episode in a day which makes me complete the whole show is 3 days. up next is a detective show known as D.I.E. well, been downloading it for several days already. and finally, my favourite, heart of greed the second series. hoho. even though torrent is up to the 12th episode, i have been keeping track of it. good.

yup, all these 3 drama serial. haha. catch it if you can.
time for some laughter.
6 kids
A man boarded a plane with 6 kids. After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle from him leaned over to him and asked, "Are all of those kids yours?"
He replied, "No, I work for a condom company and these are customer complaints."
Cigarette Holder
so there was dis lil old lady.. tho she was almost hittin 60, she was still pretty heavy smoker..
one fine day, she was, as always, smoking and having a chat wid an old fren of hers..
and she was complainin on how quickly de cigarettes became spoilt once de pack was opened..
and her fren said, "oh.. u shld do wat I do.. I keep de pack stored in a condom..
for some reason, it keeps de cigarettes fresh".. so de old lady decided to give it a try..
she goes to de pharmacy and asks de guy at de counter if she cld get sm condoms..
de guy was surprised, but being professional, he smiled and asked, "and wat size wld u like dem to be Ma'am?" to which she VERY casually answered, "oh smth that will fit a CAMEL"..
Hung Chow calls into work and says, 'Hey, I no come work today, I really sick.
Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come work.'
The boss says, 'You know something, Hung Chow, I really need you today.
When I feel like this, I go to my wife and tell her to give me sex. That makes everything better and I go to work. You try that. Two hours later Hung Chow calls again.
'I do what you say and I feel great. I be at work soon........
You got nice house.'
haha, all these jokes are contributed by my sister. funny huh?
anyway, recently i met up with my secondary schools teachers. i even went to MS koh house to visit her new flat. her condo is small but the swimming pool, whoa, if you are on your way to her flat, and you aint careful, you might fall straight into the pool and i mean it. haha. but it was nice.
then i drove mullai and AK teoh to this causrina place to have some indian food. this AK got some problem and even professional counseller mullai couldnt help him at all. haha. i presume this is symptoms of singlehood for too long diseases. after the dinner, we went to AK studio apartment. omg, as a teacher and single for several number of years, he can buy that apartment for $460,000. but his maintance of his room is..... hmm, i mean what can you expect when a guy is living alone.
but that hosue is so creepy. so many god statue. hmm, aint a place for me. however, a $460,000 apartment got its plus point. on the roof of the whole condo, there is a place for star viewing. i dont know what that big ball is about, but omg, it can see stars in the sky so clearly. of course not honey stars.
next i sent mullai home. haha, mullai stay so near prawning venue. haha. must catch a opportunity to gather all of them to prawn before i go oversea. haha
mentioning about oversea, hmm, it's like fast. a couple of weeks more and i am off to vietnam. i will miss my bet. and recently got flood in vietnam. haha. wat a time. better. if it happen when i am there, my mom will be worried. haha.
all right, so many things happening soon. let me list out.
1) exams
2) vietnam
3) Barclays premier league ( like it concern me haha)
4) 12 lotus (which is later)
in fact, hmm not many after all. haha.
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