this is my first post for this blog. CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!
well, initially before setting this thingy up, i have lots of things i wanted to post about. but suddenly, hmm, like there’s nothing much to post. however recently i have read some outstanding self improve books that really makes me think hard. here goes:
1) the 6 most important decision you will ever make by sean convey.
haha, only got one though. edwin promise to pass me the book titled ‘be happy’ one of the best selling books in town.
but this the 6 most important decision you will ever make by sean convey really apply in my lifestyle. it talks about school, friends, parents, dating &sex, addicitions and self worth. doris is smart. she say i would post about to share with my readers. haha. true. its worth reading.
anyway, starry starry night seems so emo. yup, it is from the song called VIncent. i got to know this song from the tv show, heart of greed which i recently watch 7 episode in a single day. it talks about family harmony and the inheritance after both parents are gone how families turned upside down because of money. very heart touching and exciting. introduce to everyone out there.
talk to joeis recently. hmmm she just broke up with her boyfriend. not a good news after she tried so hard in that relationship. but it is not the quantity (how long), it’s the quality (how happy when they are together). i am starting to believe perhaps no first sight in love, because it will not last. all must start from friends and know the person well enough then move into a relationship. but the question remains, most girls will not accept her friends to be their boyfriends. so how contradicting this is? leave the grey area grey. that’s my comment. but anyway, thanks for the company by the sea. even though we didnt manage to catch the 3 wheel motor but i must thank you for my success in the spider web!
i saw melissa today. say hi to her and acknowledge her. strangly, there is no hate, no love, no nothing. just a simple greeting and i move on. she told me it makes her feel like playing mahjong after she saw me. oh, do i have a bai ban face? haha. well, it has pass.. way pass the line..
and finally, this is my class SW. i tell you, only until today, i realise they are fanatics about photo shooting. the will do all means to get into the picture even though certain shots are only meant for females. and there are some females who die die want their face in the pics. haha. these people are funny, classic funny people
anyway i would like to thank dinah for her precious camara to all me to take the pictures. haha, she might have just won the babe of the year 2008!
well, now it boils down to wai ming, the troubled guy. when i am in a relationship, i have the similar feeling which he describe to me yesterday. he bought me a budweiser because my friend fir told me it taste much better then carlsberg and tiger. and we sit and talk to 3 overall hours. haha. afterall, my only advice is to follow your heart.
all right, gonna stop here and start my entre project before kenny chop my head with his warriors orachi sword. haha. but before i end, here’s one verse from my dad : human nature. good bye!
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